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May 31, 2023

Kellar's shootin' for their birthday and Dead Pal May, guest Addie is repping Nashville Transcore WORLDWIDE, and Mike's got a great tan from golf.

Check out Kelly's wake playlist

Donate to former guest and all-time homie Marcy's GoFundMe in honor of Alex's birthday

Ending song: Wesley And The Boys "I AIN'T GOT...

May 23, 2023

150 episodes of this now. Wow.

RIP Allisun

Help out former guest Leonard with a couple bucks if you can, he's on HARD TIMES, DADDY!

May 16, 2023

Strenk is about to go perform as basic Kellarnomics are discussed.

Follow Kellar on Spotify for gymspiration

Check out these...

May 8, 2023

They call him "Puking" Joe Briggs.


May 1, 2023

The bois were stabbed in the back by a guest so they spoke to each other for an hour while staring at a new/old cat tree.