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Feb 27, 2022

You're not going to learn what's going on with (the) Ukraine on Instagram. You won't learn here either.

Donate to Transgender Education Network of Texas

Ending song: Ringworm "Madness Of War"

Feb 24, 2022

Joe Briggs starts WWIII with the island nation of Iceland. Lucky episode 113. Guest-edited by Hanz Simmer. Bless this mess.

Feb 20, 2022

Kellar and Thrope drank male vitality tea and were bulls in the China shop of conversation. xSTRENKx was the affable matador. Cleveland Podcore ignorance/excellence.

Help former guest and all-time rad gal Marcy pay for HRT if you can

Ending song: Flea Collar "Buttcrack...

Feb 16, 2022

Immediately after recording episode 110 of Bored 2 Life, Kelly and Strenk were guests on Marcy and Oscar's podcast X Over (subscribe HERE). It's a pop culture madhouse with vague memories of the AIW show the night before.

It's Marcy's birthday this week so hit her Cashapp if you...

Feb 13, 2022

Policing has been broken in the US for a long time now, even people in Japan can see it. We had Marcy and Oscar from the X Over podcast on to discuss part 3 of the 1990 NYPD anime Mad Bull 34. The third chapter in our Anime Cops Are Baka series (listen to part 1 and part 2 if ya like)

Ending song: a lil bit of "Disfund...