Oct 30, 2021
Kellar's old friend Rich Horror from Rhode Island (now western Mass, soon Philly, maybe Cleveland after that?) just stepped out of his covid spaceship with his partner Casey and they talked about it. In the process Strenk had something of a breakthrough. True, raw, Cleveland podcore*.
*the audio is not the best...
Oct 21, 2021
No one asked for this *cough KELLAR cough* but we did it: we watched the 1980 animated "film" ANIMALYMPICS and talked about it with zoologist and YouTuber Emma Bowers. Seriously, please don't watch Animalympics. Watch Emma's videos instead.
Follow Emma on Twitter, subscribe to her YouTube channel, and check out her
Oct 17, 2021
Kellar thinks that the 1999 Oliver Stone film "Any Given Sunday" is the Great American Anime. Anders Lee thinks it's the greatest sports movie. Strenk is a heel and thinks it's just okay. Also: Dennis Kucinich, Doink The Clown, and Jesse "The Body" Ventura.
Follow Anders on Twitter and check out his show Pod Damn...
Oct 10, 2021
Shaun Filley from Midnight, Annihilation Time, Inmates, GSMF, and a million other bands is on the show and Kellar's bright idea was to keep bringing up Cryptkicker and crowdsource vague "rock and roll questions" much to Strenk's horror. Plenty of great Clevo stories and sh*t talk.
Follow Shaun on Instagram, subscribe to...
Oct 4, 2021
Kelly had a tummy ache. Strenk booked Joe Briggs. Venom 2 spoilers, tests of strength, pizza, comedy stuff.
Listen to Monolith Seeker
Ending song: Nino De Angelo "God Only...