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Feb 27, 2021

A long and loose one. Our planned guest canceled due to a Covid scare so we had our merchant marine vet friend Taylor on to bullshark about hawdcore, poodle ownership, and a bunch of other bullshit. Kelly got a bit drunk. Strenk has a CashApp. Send us emails or something.

ending song: First Blood "First Blood"

Donate to...

Feb 22, 2021

It's episode 56 so we had Leslie Lee III from Struggle Session on to talk about episode 56 of Legend Of The Galactic Heroes (we also bullshark about video games a bit).

Use promo code "WORLDWIDE" to get a free month on BugTV+ and check out WORLDWIDE WORKOUTZ and Leslie's upcoming show.

Halflings And The...

Feb 14, 2021

Here are the audio levels from loudest to quietest: Jo, Strenk, Kellar. Kelly became rich again and the Illuminaughty fucked with the mix as revenge. Regardless, a fun hang with a former secret enemy.

Follow Jo on IG and Twitter.

Listen to Modern Australian Underground

Ending song:

Feb 7, 2021

We assembled a 12 track playlist with Mike from the VRTLPROS podcast to examine and discuss the "history" of rap in hawdcore. FUCK THOSE WHO OPPOSE

Check out the playlist on Spotify and YouTube.

Ending song: Bulldoze "Beatdown"

Our friend and previous guest Ellis' father recently passed so if you could help his family...